

華光還有許多有關中外哲學的書籍﹐古今文學著作(如論著 、詩、詞、小說之類)﹐人們所喜愛得武俠小說也不少。還有一些藝術方面的書籍(如書法、繪畫、篆刻、音樂等)﹐以至中華醫藥方面的書籍亦頗豐富。此外還有許多有關中華文化論著的英文版本等。


2)提供各類學習課程。有書法班, 國畫班,插花班,鋼琴鍵盤班和針織班

6)不定期舉辦各類活動和研討會。有健康講座 ,國學研究和慶祝活動。


Hua Kuang Chinese Reading Room

This Reading Room is exactly a Chinese library. It contains more than 13,000 volumes of Chinese books, numerous magazines and newspapers.  There are books on ancient and modern philosophy; discourse by the great scholars of the past, and researches of the contemporary; historical events of the overseas Chinese, and of Chinese minority races, biographies of famous Chinese; classical and contemporary literature. Hua Kuang is also unique in the collection of hundreds of children reading material, and welcomes children of all ages to avail themselves of these.

Readers go to Hua Kuang to borrow or browse the Chinese newspapers, and magazines; books on Chinese and world philosophy; Chinese literature; dissertations; poetry; novels; and art books on calligraphy, painting, music, and carving. There are also English books on Chinese history and culture. Practical publications on medicine, gardening, cooking, etc. are also not lacking.

Hua Kuang is providing  programs and activities that are beneficial to the local communities. Among them are the following:

1)Social gatherings for senior Chinese, with numerous Chinese newspapers and periodicals provided for their enjoyment.
2)Classes in Chinese calligraphy, Chinese painting, Eastern-Western flower arranging, piano keyboard, and knitting.
3)Chinese tutoring focusing on conversational practice which complements existing programs at adult education schools and community colleges.
4)Etiquette of American ways and conversational English for Chinese immigrants.
5)Tutoring of Chinese immigrants for citizenship examination, and English as Second Language (ESL).
6)Seminars and special events on health, Chinese history and culture, and Hua Kuang celebrations.

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